Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kindergarten Enrollment!

So today has been a rather hectic day....Well, technically this entire MONTH has been hectic, so today wasn't that drastic of a change... BUT, one major event happened today that brought a lot of us to tears... Kindergarten enrollment for my 5 year old son.... Yes, he is starting on that 13 year journey this fall, and I can't believe it is already upon me.... They even had his potential graduation date on the board.... May 2024... unrealistic at times!

Anyways, Adrian did extremely well... Unlike my fears that he would be shy and reserved, he took off with the teachers and had a blast... He continuously kept walking by the "parents room" and giving my mother, my niece, and myself the cheesiest grin with a big thumbs up!

I was a little upset when I was stuck in a room to fill out paperwork for an hour, and no I am not exaggerating in the slightest, instead of being able to follow him for his testing.   I was hoping to get more pictures to help blog and remember the event, but I was able to get a couple. 

Overall, he did above average on his testing, and they will gladly accept him into the class of 2024... He came grinning into the room, and said "I did it mommy! I answered all of the questions right, and wrote all of the answer right!" and prior to going with Nurse Birdie, he said "ok, Mommy I'm almost done, I am doing awesome!"... Tears in my eyes to watch my baby boy spreading his wings and loving school... I am going to be a basket case the first day of his kindergarten year... but I have plenty of time to prepare... well that is what I will keep telling myself at least! LOL

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